
At Work and at Rest

My grandfather, Ralph Eggelhof, was a sales rep for a local manufacturing company for most of his adult life. He worked at home in a large office at the back of the house. He sat at a big 1950s-style steel desk with a swivel chair. My family had moved away from Indiana, so he had retired by the time I remember spending time with him on a regular basis. All of my memories of him are of a delightfully grumpy man who loved to watch golf and Angie Dickinson (he loved the Police Woman series). His favorite joke was to guess every present we gave him, regardless of how it was shaped or wrapped, was a loaf of bread--except the one time we gave him a loaf of bread as a gift, he guessed it was a coffee mug. We were so disappointed.  My other favorite memory is his teaching me how to play gin dummy. He was an avid card player and part of a bridge team for as long as I could remember. I asked him to teach me so he made us an afternoon snack of peanut butter on Ritz crackers, pulled out a deck of

Sweet Dreams

Seaside Living

Master of the House

A Very Pink Playroom


The Great Remodel Adventure Begins

Sharing my plans

The First Remodel

Where it all Began